Monday, March 29, 2010

The Reviews for BLUE MOON CAFE Are Rolling In!

Reviews for my new gay werewolf story are coming in and I am pleased and relieved that so far, they are all uniformly positive. Here's a sampling of what's been said so far:

"The Blue Moon Café...combines paranormal horror and romance into a story about love and family and choices…and werewolves...a blend of the believable and the fantastic, and the werewolf that preys on Seattle is as frightening as any that I have encountered recently."
Bookwenches (Read full review here).

"unnerving realism...dark, fierce murder exhilarating macabre fright saga at its most outstanding..."
Literary Nymphs (Read full review here).

"sure to remind readers of authors like King and Koontz."
Rainbow Reviews (Read full review here).

"Fans of werewolf tales may think they know what’s going to happen next but they’ll find themselves being proven wrong again and again."
( Book Reviews (Read full review here).

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