Friday, December 22, 2023

NOW OUT! HERE COMES THE SUN A Poignant Vampire Tale


Very proud of my haunting story about a vampire on the cusp of an important decision...

In the ethereal stillness of a desert mountaintop, Asa Beck, a timeless figure bound by the chains of immortality, grapples with the weight of his existence. The impending sunrise paints the horizon with hues of amber and gold, signaling both beauty and an inevitable reckoning for this centuries-old vampire.

As Asa perches on the precipice of his eternal twilight, he confronts a past etched with torment and shadows—a legacy of immortality that bears the scars of a life lived in perpetual darkness. The origin of his immortal curse emerges like a haunting melody, weaving through his thoughts—a twisted path that seduced him into embracing the shadows within, while a relentless thirst clawed at the fabric of his soul.

Yet amid this bleak tapestry, a bittersweet ember glows—the memory of a forbidden love. In the vast expanse of his endless night, there existed one soul that dared to intertwine with his. A human heart that beat in synchrony with his own, a beacon of light that briefly illuminated the abyss of his existence.

With the impending sunrise heralding an existential crossroad, Asa's mind wanders to the pivotal choice that awaits him. Does he continue his existence as a creature of the night, forever haunted by the echoes of his past and the insatiable hunger that defines him? Or does he yearn for redemption, seeking solace in the eternal slumber that awaits with the breaking dawn?

As the first rays of light crest the horizon, casting elongated shadows upon the desolate landscape, Asa Beck, the wanderer cursed with immortality, stands at the nexus of decision. His fate, eternal and uncertain, hangs in the balance—a pivotal moment that will define the trajectory of his timeless existence.

In this tale of eternal struggle and poignant love, Asa Beck's journey transcends the realms of mortality and immortality. It delves into the depths of the human spirit, exploring the haunting beauty of love against the backdrop of an endless night—a saga that echoes the universal quest for purpose and redemption in the face of eternity.

Grab yours and read by the light of the sun:

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