Saturday, March 1, 2025

BLUE UMBRELLA SKY My Best Novel Set in Palm Springs

Once in a while, a reviewer really "gets" what you're trying to do with your work. Gay Book Reviews is one example: 

"We are introduced to two terribly broken men. Milt, in his 40’s, has suffered through the painful loss of his life’s great love. He is determined to inure himself against future pain by living in solitude, which he also deems best to honor his late husband. Billy, a younger man, has experienced the youthful loss of his sobriety, and with it his hopes for a good and productive life. He is aggressively fighting to preserve his renewed sobriety with AA.

"The reader need not fear. Perhaps mindful of that standard redemptive religious precept that, 'what is broken shall be made whole.' Mr Reed guides us to the HEA promised in the blurb, laced with all the proper plot fits and starts. He also judiciously uses the occasional flashback, often a risky device, to better shape our understanding to Milt’s and Billy’s reality. Surmounting the difficult experiences with dementia and alcoholism, Milt’s and Billy’s very fractures call out to each other. Milt’s loneliness generates a need in Billy: Billy is seen by Milt as a handsome, tanned dreamboat even Milt’s late husband would have desired.

"The satisfaction in this novel is easily summed up in the heroes’ recognition that those things they need come to each of them when they are ready. And this is possible because love isn’t meted out – the world is made of love and there is more than enough available."  


Milt Grabaur has left his life, home, and teaching career in Ohio to start anew. The Summer Winds trailer park in Palm Springs, butted up against the San Jacinto mountain range, seems the perfect place to forget the pain of nursing his beloved husband through Alzheimer's and seeing him off on his final passage.

Billy Blue is a sexy California surfer type who once dreamed of being a singer but now works at Trader Joe’s and lives in his own trailer at Summer Winds. He’s focused on recovery from the alcoholism that put his dreams on hold. When his new neighbor moves in, Billy falls for the gray-eyed man. His sadness and loneliness awaken something Billy’s never felt before—real love.

When a summer storm and flash flood jeopardize Milt's home, Billy comes to the rescue, hoping the two men might get better acquainted… and maybe begin a new romance. But Milt's devotion to his late husband is strong, and he worries that acting on his attraction will be a betrayal.

Can they lay down their baggage and find out how redemptive love can be?

Friday, February 28, 2025

What If?


As a fiction writer, the question, “what if?…” has always served me well in crafting a story. But now, what if has crept in to my actual life, causing fear and stress.

What if I lose my Medicare?

What if I lose my social security?

What if the future I counted on is no longer there?

These are the what ifs that have me waking at 2:30 in the morning. They are the what ifs that cause my belly to fill with dread, my heart to beat faster, and for me to greet the world with despair, rather than hope. 

But what if…

…I let go of these dire what ifs and embrace joy and hope anyway? 

If I say, “what if things don’t go as I fear and the road ahead of me is bumpy but also filled with joy, comfort, and love? What if I tend to my heart and choose happiness over despair, despite a future that looks very dark indeed?” Will I have a better outcome if I choose worry over hope?

No. Because outcomes are out of my control. I can live only in the present. The only thing I can control is: will I greet my day with heartache and pain? Or will I take to heart the notion that my reaction to the world and what may or may not come to pass is the only real power I possess? 

With that power, I may not move mountains, but I can move my mind and my heart toward living the best life I can. 

Choose #happiness. Choose #joy. 

Turn away from fear because fear can’t do a single thing to change the future.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

BANNED BOOKS and A Wrinkle in Time

While walking the dogs this morning, I spotted this sign on the grounds of the elementary school near our house. It took me right back to my grade school and my excitement when we'd have a chance to order books from Scholastic.

I particularly remember getting Madeleine L'Engle's A WRINKLE IN TIME. I was enthralled with that book and it became one of my lifetime favorites.

The #memory also saddens me because I know that A WRINKLE IN TIME is now on #bannedbooks lists and I hate to see kids deprived of this wonderful, inspiring, and mind-expanding story.

I'm certain it contributed to me becoming the #writer I am today. #scholasticbookfairs #WrinkleInTime #books

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

COVER REVEAL for Jealous of the Clouds


Today, I’m #grateful for moody book covers. Here’s the cover for my October 25 release from Spectrum Books.

And here’s the blurb, just in case you’re curious:
Ted Cornish thought he’d found the man of his dreams in Joshua Kade—charming, intelligent, and handsome—until disturbing rumors surface about Josh’s past. A decade earlier, Josh’s former boyfriend, Reggie Baker, was found stabbed to death in an alley in Chicago’s Boystown. Though Josh was never convicted, whispers of his involvement persisted.
True-crime podcaster Bailey Anderson is reopening the case, and the more he uncovers, the more he’s convinced Josh is the killer. Bailey reaches out to Ted for insight, and as Ted reflects on his relationship, he begins to see cracks in Josh’s perfect facade—jealousy, possessiveness, and violent outbursts that no longer match his sweet words.
As Ted spends more time with Bailey, the evidence against Josh mounts. But Bailey is more than just a podcaster—he’s Reggie’s brother, driven by grief and a relentless desire for justice.
When Ted finally confronts the terrifying possibility that Josh is guilty, Josh reacts with a violent threat that sends Ted into hiding. Torn between fear, love, and loyalty, Ted must choose between exposing the truth or confronting the man he thought he loved—before it’s too late.
Jealous of the Clouds is a heart-pounding psychological thriller about love, obsession, and the dangerous pursuit of justice.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

NEW BOOK! Jealous of the Clouds Offered Publication Contract by London's Spectrum Books

Thrilled to announce I just signed a publishing contract with Spectrum Books for my psychological thriller/romantic suspense novel, JEALOUS OF THE CLOUDS. Not sure of details yet, but it should be out in 2025 in both paperback and ebook editions. #amwriting #publishing #grateful


Ted Cornish thought he’d found the man of his dreams in Joshua Kade—charming, intelligent, and handsome—until disturbing rumors surface about Josh’s past. A decade earlier, Josh’s former boyfriend, Reggie Baker, was found stabbed to death in an alley in Chicago’s Boystown. Though Josh was never convicted, whispers of his involvement persisted.

True-crime podcaster Bailey Anderson is reopening the case, and the more he uncovers, the more he’s convinced Josh is the killer. Bailey reaches out to Ted for insight, and as Ted reflects on his relationship, he begins to see cracks in Josh’s perfect facade—jealousy, possessiveness, and violent outbursts that no longer match his sweet words.

As Ted spends more time with Bailey, the evidence against Josh mounts. But Bailey is more than just a podcaster—he’s Reggie’s brother, driven by grief and a relentless desire for justice.

When Ted finally confronts the terrifying possibility that Josh is guilty, Josh reacts with a violent threat that sends Ted into hiding. Torn between fear, love, and loyalty, Ted must choose between exposing the truth or confronting the man he thought he loved—before it’s too late.

Jealous of the Clouds is a heart-pounding psychological thriller about love, obsession, and the dangerous pursuit of justice.


Release date and other details are still to be determined, but I would expect to see the new book out within a few months.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

My Coming Out as Trans Late in Life Love Story


In this #book, I venture into territory with which I don't have first-hand experience--the life of a transgender person. I do consider myself a passionate ally for living one's most authentic life and that's one of the themes of the book. One thing that's pleased me most since its release is the reaction I've had from #transgender readers--which is validating because I tried to always be respectful. For example, this review, from a trans man on Goodreads, made my heart sing:

"This is the kind of representation I've been dying to see. Seeing trans characters in books is spectacular, but let's not forget that not all trans people figure themselves out as teenagers or young adults...Seeing a trans main character that not only didn't come out until much later in life, but also did not come out until /after/ they'd already been well established in a life with a committed partner- that's some powerful stuff...

"There were so many things about Cara's journey that I felt deep down in my bones, because I had those thoughts, those feelings, and those experiences too, just as a trans person; but that's just the tip of the iceberg. Being able to see the fears and worries I've had to deal with, and sometimes still have to deal with, as a gay transman married to a very straight cisman, and being able to see a character experiencing all the same feelings I know my husband's felt- that's what's really making me loose my mind over this book...

"I hope this book gets a lot of readers, because it deserves the world."

For some thought-provoking reading, I hope you'll pick up a copy!


(Paperback coming soon!)

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Why You Might Want to Stay on Facebook

I thought long and hard about leaving Facebook and, in the end, decided I won't.

Here's why (and I hope that those of you who are considering leaving will take a moment to read my words below; and, if you're staying and agree with me, I'd appreciate your using that share button).

Facebook is NOT Mark Zuckerberg. I won't say much about him. This post is about what Facebook IS. For me...and maybe for you.

Facebook is not one person. It's a community. It's a village green. It's a place we've come to share our lives and its joys and sorrows. Because Mark Zuckerberg has decided to incorporate hatred and lack of truth into his TOS, doesn't change the fact that we're here and we number in the millions. It doesn't change any of the following:

It's a place for us to share our grief. Loss of loved ones (including pets) is still allowed and posting about these losses offers us all a chance for comfort, compassion, and humanity. It's a chance to feel a little less alone in the world.

It's a place to share our joys. Holidays, births, weddings, new relationships...all of these things and more can bring us closer together. Don't let some clueless billionaire take that away from you. Be loud. Be proud. Celebrate your joys.

It's a place to let our community of friends, family, and more about our accomplishments. Things like signing a book contract, getting a new job, writing a song or a poem, painting a picture, showcasing a beautiful photo you took or a meal you made bring happiness to not only your own world, but that of many others. People you may not even realize are smiling and celebrating your victories.

It's a place to come for answers. Troubled by something? Can't figure out some technological hiccup? Facebook has always been there at the ready to help you with a solution others may have already found.

It's a place to meet people, make new friends, start a relationship, build a following for your art and more. No one person can change that.

In the end, Facebook is people. Tons of us--united in curating, celebrating, sharing, and sometimes questioning our lives.

I won't allow Mark Zuckerberg to take away what I've taken fifteen years to build. My life displayed here doesn't belong to Mark Zuckerberg. It never has. And if he snatches the whole enterprise away one day, what I've shared, loved, and enjoyed on here won't disappear. It'll simply move elsewhere.

So stay...just a little bit longer. Fight for good. Speak up against the bad. For now, we all have that freedom. Don't play into their hands and run away. Be present. Be real. Be safe. But continue to shine your light. The world needs it now more than ever.